Concise Minutes - Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee

Meeting Venue:

Video Conference via Zoom

Meeting date: Thursday, 28 January 2021

Meeting time: 09.30 - 12.00
This meeting can be viewed
on Senedd TV at:





Members of the Senedd:

Bethan Sayed (Chair)

Helen Mary Jones

David Melding

Mick Antoniw

John Griffiths

Carwyn Jones


Jane Hutt, Deputy Minister and Chief Whip

Emma Bennett, Welsh Government

Uzo Iwobi, Welsh Government

Committee Staff:

Rhys Morgan (Clerk)

Martha Da Gama Howells (Second Clerk)

Angharad Roche (Deputy Clerk)

Robin Wilkinson (Researcher)



1       Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest



2       Inquiry into who gets remembered in public spaces

Members heard evidence from:


Jane Hutt MS, Deputy Minister and Chief Whip

Uzo Iwobi - Specialist Policy Adviser on Equalities

Emma Bennett - Head of Equality




3       Paper(s) to note

Members noted the papers.




3.1   Correspondence with the Welsh Government on support for news media



3.2   Arts Council of Wales response to the report on the live music inquiry



3.3   Correspondence on Devolution of Broadcasting inquiry




4       Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the meeting for the remainder of the meeting

Members approved the motion.




5       Private debrief



6       Inquiry into who gets remembered in public spaces: consideration of the evidence

Members considered the evidence.


The Committee decided to write to the Welsh Local Government Association, inviting them to submit a written response to the statues inquiry.


The Committee also decided to write to Football Association Wales, Sport Wales and Welsh Rugby Union to enquire whether they have ever considered commemorating players outside sport grounds and, if so, what protocols – if any- form the basis of any decision to do so.







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